Friday, May 29, 2009

A decade......

The McKells
Established May 29, 1999

So this post has been pending for......about a month.  The limiting factor was that we were married long enough ago that I had to scan the pics into the computer.  Still, 10 yrs warrants a blog post, even if it is late.  

We have been married for 10 whole years! I can't believe how life has changed since then.....we were married in the 90s!   I blacked out in at the St. George Temple in the rose garden, and would have hit the pavement, but Mark had his arms around me.  That's what happens when it's 98 degrees outside & I didn't eat much for breakfast.    I was just 19 yrs old, by 2 wks.....crazy!  

 Over the past 10 yrs, we have lived in 5 cities, 3 states, and 6 different residences.  I am so fortunate to have all the opportunities, adventures, and time together with Mark.  I would not be where I am now without the route we have taken together!  Love you babe!

So I know Mark & I look a little different, but I think the best way to demonstrate how many years have passed is in the pics of our families & friends at the wedding.  Look at my little sisters, they were just little girls then!    Things to note in the pics below: Devin is incubating in Melissa's belly, Brian's wearing white socks, Mike is on his mission, and Clint looks like he's lifting 500 lbs! This is like flashback & wedding celebration....Enjoy!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Graduation Festivus!

  We did it!
Well....JAyLi did it, I am almost there!  Jayli graduated from CVHS on May 22nd, 2009!  She earned tonz of awards, including Female Student Athlete, Merit Scholar, a Scholarship from SUU, and a few others I cannot remember.  
We are sooo proud of her! 

I had what I call "Pseudo-Graduation".   The marvelous PA-S's of the UPAP program are all part of the School of Medicine, therefore, we attended the school of medicine graduation on May 23rd.   It is the formal graduation with hooding, mortar boards, and tassels.  However, I don't actually graduate until August 7th, 2009.....2 months to go! I had excellent family support, and all the PA-S friends were there for the fun!  Enjoy the pics, more to come when I get others from my PA-S peeps.

HaPpY gRaDuAtIoN!

Go UtEs!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Happy Birthday Dad!

HaPpY bIrThDaY
 R. Scott Zingelman!

May is a great month for Birthdays, including my Dad's!  I love him so much & appreciate all he does for the family & for others!  This pic is an excellent personification of mi padre: camouflage, worn levi's, a sneaky hat, and remote in hand.   Things I love about my dad:

1.  Sacrifice: Dad has a teaching degree, but chose to be a hard-working UPS man in order for Mom to stay home.  Still working hard....he's lookin' forward to retirement.
2. No limitations: Everything they told my dad he couldn't do with his hand, he does!  He shoes horses, plays all kinds of sports, rocks a 10 key, hunts, and you should watch the way he ties his shoes & buttons his shirts.....if we all were so efficient!  So he can't type, but honestly, I don't think he wants to.....he has Mom to do it =0).
3.  The fab husband: Dad always compliments Mom, and all the kiddos, as well as others around him.  He gets flowers for holidays when Mom tells him not to, and goes out of his way to support her.  Us kids have never been so in trouble as when we disrespected my mother!  He is also very good at dancing in the kitchen! 
4.  Example: Dad chose church over milking the cows 1 more day a week as a kid, and now has evolved into the Bishop of his ward!  He devotes a lot of time serving people in all ways!
5.  Trivial: My Dad knows all kinds of random information!   He loves informational programs & can name just about any song & artist  in the 70s.  I luv it!  
6.  The Family Man: Dad tries his hardest to make it to all our events.  At my graduation, he & mom had been up all night at Jayli's Grad night, and they still made it up here.   He also has always put us first, getting our deer 1st on the hunts, and always giving of his precious time to us first.  Not to mention all his earnings goes to the family, and then his "stash" is the money he earns on the side from shoeing horses (and I have seen him give that up!).
7.  There is so much more.........I could go on & on...........


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Finally, another lil guy!

Tanner Christiansen
Joined the privileged folks in Tulsa, OK on Cinco de Mayo
May 5, 2009
8 pounds 6 ozs.  21 and 1/2 inches long
Congrats John-o & Ashley, & Alli! 
After the string of delightful & beautiful little girls, Sarah, Alli, Kandalyn, & Brianna, we are excited to have Tanner mix it up!  I can't wait to meet my new nephew this weekend.....he will soon find out who is the FaVoRiTe AuNt!

They are going to let her graduate....

Jayli Zingelman is graduating from 
Canyon View High School this year! 
 I cannot believe she had grown up so much.  She was just a little girl when I got married, and cried when we left the reception because she didn't understand why she couldn't go with us.  I am super proud of the lil sis! I can only think of 1 sport in which she actually played on a freshman team ever, she has always played JV/Varsity in Volleyball & Softball, even when she was a freshman.  She works hard to maintain some killer grades, and earned a position on the  Academic All-State Team in softball.  And to top it all off.....she's genuinely beautiful, it's not just on the outside.

Congrats Jay!  We love you!

Mother's Day....should be every day

Mothers.....fascinating creatures that put others before themselves, serve endlessly, and do it with such grace through fire!  My last post illustrated all that my mom does for us.  Here is the product of all her hard work:
Oh, and don't forget Addi....she loves her G'ma!
Hope everyone had a Happy Mother's Day!  
You deserve it!